
当你毕业时, 除了通过邮件发送的实体文凭外,您还可以选择接收数字版本的文凭. The digital diploma is sent as an email attachment, and is added to a mobile wallet app on your mobile device(s). It is coded and certifiable using blockchain technology, which is used to both protect and verify your diploma. T在这里 is no additional cost for the digital diploma.

  • Blockcerts钱包图标


    While everyone receives a physical diploma, 您必须选择加入并采取行动,通过下载blockcert钱包移动应用程序获得数字文凭 iOS or 安卓, and adding Maryville as a credentials issuer.
    • Blockcerts钱包应用程序也可以用于其他基于区块链的凭证.
  • After the conclusion of each semester, an initial issuance will be conducted for graduates of that semester. 如果你已经下载了应用程序,并在初始发行时连接到Maryville, you will receive your digital diploma automatically. 对于那些下载应用程序并在首次发行后连接到Maryville的人, diplomas are issued on a monthly cycle on the 1st of each month.
  • 您将需要访问您的PG电子游戏的电子邮件帐户,以获得数字文凭. You can identify your username and/or reset your password 在这里. For additional assistance, please contact the IT服务台.

Download Blockcerts钱包 App

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Verifying a Maryville Digital Diploma

使用PG电子游戏的 验证门户 来验证由PG电子游戏颁发并写入区块链的凭据.


  1. Is the credential the same as when the issuer issued it? (i.e. how do I know it wasn’t tampered with?)
  2. 验证过程通过将哈希值与区块链上注册的内容进行比较,确保您看到的凭证没有被篡改. It also confirms that Maryville大学 was the issuer of the digital diploma.

  3. 证书被吊销了吗?
  4. The verification process ensures the credential wasn’t revoked. 如果证书包含错误或签发错误,则可能被PG电子游戏吊销.




  • 什么是区块链?

    Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT), 有点像巨人, shared spreadsheet that captures every transaction on the blockchain network. 每个块不可变, 带时间戳的数据(块)是安全的,并使用加密散列(链)相互绑定。, which connects to the real data off the chain. 比如互联网, blockchain uses a peer-to-peer network; 然而, 它不依赖于任何中央服务器或权威机构,因此记录是公开的和可验证的. Blockchain is capable of carrying value in addition to just data.

  • What are the benefits of a blockchain learning credential solution?

    Maryville students will be able to receive, 管理, Search, and verify their learning credentials on their smart phones and mobile devices. They can easily share their academic achievements with their friends, 家庭, and employers on LinkedIn and other social media sites, or privately via email or text using a link. Students can choose what and with whom they want to share their credentials.

    简单地说, your credentials will always be at your fingertips, and ready for you to send and share when needed. 进一步, when you own your official records, 您不再需要每次申请新机会时都从注册商处获得原件, whether that is at a school or with an employer. 你可以简单地通过电子邮件或短信发送你的数字[证书类型],或者在你的简历或LinkedIn简介中粘贴一个链接到你的[证书类型],以便于验证.

  • Maryville的学生什么时候可以开始使用区块链学习证书?

    Maryville is currently implementing the blockchain learning credential solution, starting with a pilot to issue diplomas and 证书 to August 2019 graduates. We expect that for December 2019 and beyond, 所有PG电子游戏的毕业生都可以选择在区块链上获得文凭和/或证书. Initiatives and pilots for other types of credentials are forthcoming.

  • 我如何获得我的证书?

    Receiving credentials is easy!

    • First, download the free mobile app.
      您将收到一封来自PG电子游戏的电子邮件,邀请您从手机的应用程序商店下载免费的blockcert应用程序. 安装完成后, copy your secure passphrase and store it somew在这里 safe; you will need it if you ever delete the app or lose your phone.
    • Next, add Maryville大学 as an issuer.
      一旦你安装了应用程序,点击邮件中的链接将Maryville添加为发行者. You only need to add Maryville once; after that, we can send you as many credentials as you earn.
    • Finally, add your credentials to the app.
      When it’s time to receive your credential, 您将收到Maryville的第二封电子邮件,并附上您的实际证书. This file is your real blockchain certificate; store it w在这里ver you store other important data files. 您也可以点击电子邮件中的链接将证书添加到您的blockcert应用程序中, which makes sharing and online display easy.


  • 应用程序是如何工作的?

    Your app works just like a private folder. It’s cryptographically secured, so nobody but you can access it. 它会与颁发证书的组织沟通,这样他们就知道把证书送到哪里. 它还允许您将来自许多不同组织的凭据和证书保存在您自己设备上的一个地方. 它与你拥有的任何公共身份(如社交媒体个人资料或学校账户)无关。, so you choose when and how you want to share the information in your app.

    This also means you are responsible for managing your app. It will have a secure passphrase to which only you have access. 确保你把你唯一的密码保存在一个安全的地方,比如密码管理器. 这将让你重新生成你的应用程序,并证明你拥有你的证书,如果你曾经删除你的应用程序或丢失了你的手机. 密码短语还允许您在多个设备上维护凭证的所有权.

  • What can I do with my blockchain credentials?

    把你的凭证放在区块链上意味着你的原始记录总是在你的手中. 你可以控制它的使用方式. You can choose to share the information publicly, like on a social media profile, or send it privately by email or text message. You can include links to your credentials on your resume, 公共投资组合, 或应用程序, so that others can verify your qualifications with the click of a button, 比如潜在的雇主.

  • How long will I have my blockchain credentials?

    Once a record is on the blockchain, it is t在这里 forever. Some information may expire (if it’s time-delimited, like a license) or be revoked (if it was issued in error), but you will always have it in your possession. 如果过期或被撤销,第三方将无法再验证其有效性.

  • What if I lose my phone or my mobile app?

    As long as you have your passphrase, 你可以在任何时候将你的凭证导入到一个新的应用程序中,并且仍然证明它属于你. Just re-download the app, enter your passphrase, and import your credentials.

    如果你丢失了密码, 然而, it is like losing the ID that says you are who you say you are; without the passphrase you will not be able to retrieve your credentials on a new app. 如果发生这种情况, you will need to download the app again, 换一个新的密码, and contact us so we can re-issue your Maryville credentials.



